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Information for parents and students

Why take piano lessons?


Or lessons on any musical instrument for that matter….

Before you get started read this, think about it and do get in touch if you’d like to talk or enquire further.   Whether you are a parent or a potential student of any age, I’d like to explain to you a few really valuable and important things about learning an instrument.


“Music makes you, or your child, smarter”.    A statement that has been flung around for many years now.   You may have heard or read something along these lines.   While it's unfashionable to contradict this in any way, it’s a statement that’s been taken right out of context and is highly misleading.   If you are thinking of starting to learn a musical instrument solely to get better academic exam results you would be very mistaken – after all, you wouldn’t take up football to get better at tennis, would you?      However, there is no doubt that learning in instrument is beneficial for development in many ways.    Learn an instrument because you really want to play it!


Here’s a better and truer statement: “Learning a musical instrument can enhance physical, mental and emotional development and offer lifelong rewards and pleasure”.    If you are an adult beginner you are probably more interested in the second bit not the first.   Do be patient with yourself and enjoy the process, even if it turns out to be different to how you imagined it.


“Music can help to overcome learning problems”.      As a teacher, I have, in the past, been asked to take on pupils on the basis that music can help with specific learning difficulties or neurodiversity issues.   If your child is experiencing stress in their regular educational setting adding a further stress isn’t likely to help – especially when many conventional approaches to learning a musical instrument centre around a “one size fits all” version focused on grade exams.   But again, let’s put it another way: “Learning to express yourself in a creative, non-verbal and playful way could make you happier and more confident – and your problems may improve with the right teacher and the right approach”.   That is critical – I have had many years’ experience of working as a music therapist and have worked with many children on the autistic spectrum and with learning disabilities.  It is without question that many children love music, enjoy playing and make developmental gains.   Some will, indeed, progress well when academic learning or the school environment is proving very difficult.  


Learning the piano is enriching, challenging, long-term, fun, physically absorbing whatever age you are.    If that makes sense, do get in touch.

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